About Animal Chiropractic

dog chiropracticWhy certified animal chiropractor?
The certification is awarded to licensed doctors of chiropractic and/or veterinary medicine who have successfully passed an AVCA approved post graduate program in animal chiropractic and has met the AVCA certification requirements. This includes passing both a comprehensive written and clinical competency (practical) examination. This certification is voluntary and requires recertification every 3 years to maintain the credential.

What is Animal Chiropractic?
When a joint between 2 vertebrae become slightly fixated resulting in spinal misalignment or joint dysfunction causing neurological or biomechanical dysfunction, this is called a subluxation. It will restrict the animal’s normal range of motion and decreasing their flexibility due to a number of causes.

A chiropractic adjustment is a controlled thrust by hand or instrument, in order to direct a force in a specific direction to correct the vertebral subluxation.

The Animal Chiropractor evaluation includes a case history from the owner and prior veterinarian radiographs, laboratory analysis, and therapies.

The Animal Chiropractor examination may include posture analysis, gait analysis, static palpation of vertebral and extremity, short leg analysis, orthopedic and neurological evaluation.

Chiropractic is a drug-free approach to pet health care and is not meant to replace traditional veterinary care. It is not an alternative treatment, but rather an integrative method that when used in conjunction with good traditional veterinary care.